When a developer tries to whiteboard a UI solution:

When I meet a new developer for the first time:

When I overhear two developers discussing my design:

When the front-end dev mangles your style guide:

Submitted by @ianmarquette
When a developer says he’s aligned with your ideas on a new feature:

Submitted by Robin
When a developer tells me he found and fixed style bugs in someone else’s code:

This is the best gif of all time, so I think our work here is done. See ya Monday!
When all the developers are panicking over a technical issue and I’m like:

Submitted by Robin
Junior Developers. Everywhere. All over the world:

When you click “deploy” after several hours’ worth of changes:

Submitted by @emilyunroe, and officially approved by a dev team at UX Reactions HQ (who have also made this their mascot).
When development keeps deferring a styling bug fix: