Trying to move a group of layers but failing due to one locked layer:

Submitted by Dafna.
When Invision goes down:

Submitted by @designnotdrum
When I found out Photoshop is adding artboards:

Yes, it’s true! So enjoy this questionable gif.
When we finally upgraded to Font Awesome 4:

When everyone on my team switches to Sketch and I’m still using Fireworks:

Submitted by @kylietuosto
Whenever I see the Spinning Beach Ball of Death:

When I lose 4 hours of unsaved work:

Submitted by @OldManNate
Trying to find your pasted item in Sketch:

Submitted by an anonymous UX’er
Every time I submit a crash report:

Here’s to a crash-free weekend. Can’t wait to lose all our work again on Monday!
When I accidentally enter full-screen mode: