When there are things that need to be addressed but I have a deadline to meet:

When your Art Director claims your idea as their own in a meeting.

Submitted by gooddesignisvisible.
Coming back from vacation and realizing that nothing has changed:

Holding a 10-person meeting in a 3-person conference room:

When Invision goes down:

Submitted by @designnotdrum
When I found out Photoshop is adding artboards:

Yes, it’s true! So enjoy this questionable gif.
When I meet a new developer for the first time:

When I’m asked to update designs saved on the desktop of another designer…who no longer works for the company:

Submitted by @shaun_stilwell
When I’m asked to “gamify the experience”:

When last minute changes backfire:

Submitted by Robin.
Hope this doesn’t happen to you before you leave for the day. Have a good weekend!